Sunday, January 3, 2010


There is a Hanson drinking game.

I don't know how this beauty of a game flew in under my radar because 1) I love Hanson, 2) I love booze, and 3) I'm fairly certain all my dreams would come true if the two were combined in some way.

Whatever the reason, I am glad to discover this gem of a game and fully intend on playing it as soon as possible.

Now, you have to be wondering, how do you play a Hanson drinking game, Crystal?

(Okay, you're probably not wondering, you probably don't even care, but I control the content that goes on this blog, stupid as it may be, so tough cookies, I'm telling you.)

Well, you need a few things.

1) Booze.
2) At least one other person because, hello, it's a game. And drinking alone is depressing, but playing a Hanson drinking game alone would probably end up in suicide over such a sad existence... which is why I'm really hoping Jessica, my Hanson-concert-partner-in-crime, is in town next weekend to play this ridiculous game. Otherwise, things ain't gonna end pretty for this blogger.
3) Hanson's 1997 home video, Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle of Nowhere. Which I own on VHS since I can't track down the DVD version of it, and is a large part of the reason I still own a VCR.

If the VHS box cover with its amazing graphics (which, really, are quite reminiscent of how my walls looked when I was eleven), here's one of the beauties of TTMON (oh, yeah, there are Hanson abbreviations out there... terrifying, isn't it?)

Now, the rules of this Hanson drinking game, which I swiped off the Hanson Livejournal community, are as follows:

-- Drink whenever Taylor sounds like a girl
-- Drink whenever Zac or Isaac do weird voices
-- Drink whenever Zac spazzes out
-- Drink whenever someone quotes the movie

I'm not entirely sure that anyone could make it through this movie alive while playing this game. Back in '97, Zac was one spazzy little motherfucker. And Isaac was a dork. And Taylor's voice was crack-a-lackin' like woah. Hello, alcohol poisoning.


rachaelgking said...

HAHAHA. We should pair this with my Jersey Shore drinking game. Love.

Brittney said...

This sounds like a sure fire way to consistently be drinking! I like it.

crystal said...

@LiLu - YES. Whenever Hanson does a show in Jersey, drink. Whenever a Jersey Shore guido makes up a word (ala MMMBop), drink.

@Brittney - I know, right? The paramedics might have to be called, but I'm willing to risk it.

Elizabeth Marie said...

"spazzy little motherfucker"

HAHAHAHA I am so calling someone that today. I dont know who, but it's happening. LOVE.

Katie said...

LOVE IT!!!!!
I used to be OBSESSED with Zac. I had that Vhs too!

And was looking for "Snowed in" for somestrange reason but could not find it ANYWHERE Lmao

crystal said...

@Liz - Hahaha, I'm always glad to help others swear at the loved ones, especially when they're spazzy loved ones.

@Kate - I don't know anyone who has ever been able to hang onto their copy of Snowed In. I lost my copy sometime last year and spent the Christmas Hanson-less.

Stephen K said...

So when you said you liked Hanson on your 20SB profile you really weren't kidding! But in a way, I love the 90s pop too so I won't judge too much. As long as you let me join the drinking game. I've got much worse ones to share! :D

crystal said...

@Stephen - Oh, I never kid around about my love for Hanson. :) And I'm always eager to learn new drinking games.