Wednesday, April 8, 2009

hippie science experiment

"Shampoo is better. I go on first and clean the hair.
Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and smooth.
Oh, really, fool?
Stop looking at me, Swan!"

- Billy Madison

So, I'm not using shampoo and conditioner anymore.

Okay, before you say 'ewwwwwwww' and start making comments about my hygiene, just hear me out. And I'm not becoming a hippie and going green and vegan and all that. Not that there's anything wrong with any of that. I admire people who don't eat delicious, delicious meat. Their willpower is obviously stronger than mine. I could never give up BBQ pulled pork or chicken nuggets. Good for the people who realize that meat is finger-lickin' murder.

I had a point to this? Yes?

Oh, right. No 'poo. Seriously, that's what it's called: No 'Poo. Which is good. I mean, who wants poo in their hair? No one, unless you're seriously deranged. My hair is still getting washed, but with a baking soda and water mix, then conditioned with apple cider vinegar and water. And, no, my hair doesn't smell like vinegar. Thank God. It's still looking a bit (and by "a bit", I mean "a lot") on the oily side, but that's just my hair and scalp getting used to not being stripped of its natural self-cleaning oils.

I don't think I got the baking soda measurements right though. I need to do some more investigating. All I know is that our bathroom counter looked like a fourth-grade volcano science fair experiment gone crazy. Vinegar and baking soda, measuring cups and funnels... all that was missing was a paper-mache` volcano. And I probably could have fashioned one of those fairly easily.

I'll keep you posted on the no 'poo. And, if you see me around, don't remind me how bad I look with all my hair pulled away from my face. I'm very well aware that I look like scary.

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