Thursday, April 2, 2009

stupid er.

I get that ER has been on TV for years and John Stamos is real hot and everything, but it's getting in the way of me watching The Office... which means that I have been reduced to watching Antique Roadshow.

But Crystal, don't you love Antique Roadshow?

Yes, I love Antique Roadshow. The problem with this though is that I feel like an old widow who is just one more cat away from being a crazy cat lady whenever I watch Antique Roadshow. So, thanks ER, for making one of my nightmares a little more closer to reality.

And I have to laugh at Antique Roadshow. There's this carved elephant tusk-replica propped on the table and the way the woman is standing behind the table makes it look like it's coming out of her pants. Tee-hee.


Well, I might be becoming a crazy cat lady, but at least I have the maturity level of a twelve-year-old boy.

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