Saturday, October 10, 2009


On Friday, I had an idea for a story while I was at work and wanted to go ahead and get it on a Word document before I forgot it. It was less than a page, but I still wanted to email it to myself so I could add on to it over the weekend.

All well and good, right?

Well, it would be, but I sent it as an attachment to my Hotmail account, which begins with the letter 'c' and is saved in my email contacts on Thunderbird.

I also have the department head's email saved in my contacts. Her email also begins with the letter 'c'.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

I went to my Hotmail account today to download the page I wrote.

It's not there.


I haven't heard from the department head about this so maybe it just got stuck somewhere in the internet. That happens, right? Please, for the love of God, tell me it does. I do NOT want to have a conversation with the department head about this on Monday.

The only thing that really gets my mind off of this is watching the following video with the speakers on.


Frizz said...

Crystal, while I am very sorry that you didn't email yourself the story idea like you wished, I did laugh very hard when I read this. This is totally something I would end up doing. :)

I hope, for your sake, that sometimes emails DO get lost in cyberspace.

crystal said...

I checked first thing when I got to work and I did send the email to my Hotmail account. The email really is lost in cyberspace, thank God.

Organic Meatbag said...

Email servers get backlogged and mail waiting to be sent can get queued up, so maybe there's still hope!