Sunday, November 8, 2009

weekend favorite

Sorry for a serious lack of rambling around these parts. Between NaNoWriMo (which I'm only 6000 words behind on) and me being a lazy son of a bitch, I haven't had much time to write in this thing. But, look at me mixing things up right now.

All right, I got this new idea for Sunday posts. I'm going to post what my favorite part of the weekend was. Look at me being all positive and shit.

This weekend was especially good. I got to hang out with my good friend Trista who I haven't seen in over a year. But that wasn't my favorite part of the weekend. If you're reading this, sorry Trista, I still heart you though.

No, my favorite part of the weekend was yesterday when I was walking through the TJ Maxx parking lot. There was this man in overalls (and I have nothing against overalls, but it definitely adds an element to the story) getting into his old Dodge truck. He takes a glance at the car parked next to him, which is a Cube and I will say that they are one of the weirdest looking vehicles on the planet (sorry, PT Cruiser, you've just been one-upped) , gets out of his own truck and, with his thumbs in his overalls, walks to the back of the Cube to investigate what the hell kind of car it is, looks at the car for a few moments, shakes his head and gets back in his truck.

I know this doesn't seem like much, but it made me chuckle. Even now, I shake my head and smile when I think about it.

Okay, back to NaNoWriMo. I wonder if I can bust out 6000 words today.

I'll be needing some caffeine, stat.

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