Thursday, November 12, 2009

you drunk spelunk.

Due to a massive outcry from the public, it is imperative that I update this blog.

(Okay, it was my roommate making a comment that I haven't updated this thing because of NaNoWriMo, not a massive outcry from the public. But this is my blog and I can exaggerate, or flat out lie, whenever I want over whatever I want so... put that in your back pocket.)

The NaNoWriMo is totally sucking. I mean, it's twelve days in and I still don't have a plot. I have an idea of whereabouts the real climatic scene will take place, but wasn't entirely sure it existed and asked about it via my Facebook status. This is where today's blog entry topic will come from.

Yeah, I have an actual topic. Feel free to be impressed.

For those who don't know, Kentucky has tons of caves. Mammoth Cave, for example, is the largest cave system in the world (or the country... or I could be making that up entirely; I've graduated college; doing research isn't important to me anymore) and it's all in Kentucky. I vaguely remembered a lady telling my class ghost stories in the fourth grade about a cave that ran beneath Bardstown and had an entry in the basement of the old courthouse, and I wanted to find out if this was true.

Enter a Facebook status asking for the help of my fellow Bardstownians to verify the existence of this cave.

I received a few answers. The most interesting reply was one that said that people from middle school would go there and drink.

Middle school? Really? Hell, I didn't realize that people drank in high school until my freshman year of college. I was initially outraged and saddened by the thought of middle schoolers out late at night drinking in a dark cave. Then, the more I thought about it, the more it cracked me up. A bunch of twelve-year-olds standing in a cave, drinking warm beer they stole out of the parents' fridge, and jumping at every little noise... Little drunk cavemen in Stone Cold Steve Austin shirts (because he was cool - not really - when I was in middle school) drinking Bud Lights by a pitiful little fire, being kept lit with copies of their older sister's Tiger Beat magazines and dreams. It's precious, really.

But, seriously. Drinking at such a young age is no laughing matter. Unless it's happening in a cave in Kentucky... because that's just way too ridiculous not to laugh at.

Tom: This never leaves the cave.
- Without a Paddle, 2004 (by the way, I love Matthew Lillard and I'm not ashamed to admit it)

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