Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snow days, pancakes, and my eventual migration to wordpress.

My Snow Day Morning.

4:45 am. Text from the school. All campuses are closed. Tweet my happiness. Go back to sleep.

5:23 am. Cat starts chewing on my hair. Ignore and fall back asleep.

6:14 am. Text from a coworker asking if library is closed. Reply back that even if it is open, the rest of the campus is closed, and I'm not going in. Now have a cat sitting on my stomach, staring at me and rubbing her cold wet snotty nose all over my arm. Ignore cat and resume sleep.

7:44 am. Boss calls to ask if I'm going into work. Tell her about the official campus text saying everything was closed. At least, I think that's what I told her. It's not the best idea for me to talk to anyone when I'm just waking up. God only knows what I told her. Hope I still have a job tomorrow. Decide that sleep is better than working about job.

8 am-10 am. Am awaken at various intervals by cat. Cat uses such tactics as chewing on hair, pawing at my face, snotty nose on my arms and face, meowing, sitting on my chest and meowing while pawing at my face.

10:03 am. Admit defeat. Get out of bed to feed cat. Annoyed to see food in her bowl. Give her more food then ponder my own breakfast choices.

10:07 am. Generic SlimFast is better for my waistline, but it's a snow day. Snow days clearly mean PANCAKES!!!!

10:59 am. Finish making pancakes. Try to figure out why in the hell it took me almost an hour to make fucking pancakes.

11:12 am. Pancakes gone.

11:13 am. I wanna throw up.

11:58 am. Did not throw up, but have spent the time watching a rerun of What Not to Wear. Wonder what Stacy and Clinton would want me to wear. Probably not as much plaid as I currently wear.

12 pm. Decide to move my blog over to WordPress. I really want to get an actual website of my own going. And not just for my blog, but as an outlet to sell my books. Because, lets face it, I'm an attention-seeking, wanna-be-money-making whore. Now am going to spend my day attempting all of that stuff. So, if you're reading this, be patient, and I'll give you an update once I've mosied on over to WordPress.


Tellie said...

Your day sounds a lot like mine. No school, and lounging. :)

crystal said...

It's the only proper way to spend a snow day. :)