Wednesday, May 6, 2009

in the summertime when the weather is fine

I decided to make some summertime goals for myself. I probably won't succeed in any of those goals, but at least I have goals. Even if I don't fulfill them, I'm at least optimistic enough to have goals.

1 - Send out query letters and beg for a publishing company to buy my book.
I've been reading this book a bit and trying to find publishers that take unsolicited material. Yeah, it turns out that, like, one in thirty-seven takes material that's not from an agent. And, even though Mr. Herman says this isn't true, from everything that I can tell, you can't get an agent until you get published, but you can't get published until you have an agent. I have neither. What's that you say? That I'm totally fucked? Yes, you're probably right.

2 - Read some books.
This is the bulk of my summer reading list. Not included are the second, third, and fourth books in the Mediator series and the ninth Princess Diaries book by Meg Cabot (all are currently in the mail on their way to me), Gone with the Wind (which I'm almost mostly done with), The Truth about Forever and Dreamland by Sarah Dessen. And, in the above picture, I have started some of those books: Fight Club, Emma, and American Shamans. I just, you know, haven't finished them yet.
On a similar note, if you would like to donate a giant bookshelf to house my books, I would be forever in your debt. Kthanks.

3 - Start scrapbooking.
I know, I've totally gone over to the Dark Side of Hobby Lobby. I'm in charge of compiling scrapbooks for two people I work with who are getting ready to retire. I started this project today and, after I got over the feeling of wanting to blow my brains out from being so overwhelmed by all the paper and pictures and glitter and stickers, I really loved putting everything together. Which is why I spent a small fortune at Hobby Lobby tonight buying supplies for my own scrapbook. Not pictured is the set of 50 markers, twelve of which are labeled as being "silly scents". I don't know what the hell type of dictionary Crayola was reading from when they coined these marker scents as "silly" because, as far as I can tell, all these markers smell like ass. Maybe Crayola finds the smell of ass silly, I don't know. I always thought it was fucking disgusting. But, to each his own, I guess. To-mae-toes, to-mah-toes, and all that jazz.

So, there you have it. Those are my summer goals. And, because I can't think of a movie quote to go along with anything I've just talked about, let's pick some winner out of left field.

"Searching for a boy in high school is as useless as searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie."
- Cher Horwitz, Clueless

I use a quote from Clueless just for the opportunity to use a picture of Paul Rudd. And I realize that I could gain more cool points for quoting his character in Anchorman or The 40-Year-Old Virgin, but I have to be true to myself. And, the truth is, I love the movie Clueless. I also love Paul Rudd. And, this weekend, I ran into a guy who has the exact same nose as Paul Rudd. I'm not going to lie, I might have fallen a little bit in love just for a moment with him. Weird? Totally. Pathetic? Of course. Do I care? ... yeah, I do. Le sigh.

1 comment:

a.c. stone said...

I'm also looking into publishing... it's so discouraging to read, at the end of the company's description that they "Only accept queries from literary agents." Ugh...