Tuesday, May 26, 2009

it is a truth universally acknowledged ...

... that I have a slight obsession with dresses this year. In particular, I have an obsession with long dresses that I have to pick up ever-so-slightly when walking up the steps so as not to trip. In some cases when wearing slick shoes and under the influence of alcohol, especially when I help people finish off a pitcher purchased fifteen minutes before close, I should pick these dresses up when walking across flat surfaces so as not to fall in parking lots...

... not that I have ever done such a thing. Okay, once. But, really, the sandals I had on were really slick.

My reasoning for loving these long dresses that I have to pick up just so is simple: when I wear these dresses, I feel like a heroine in one of Jane Austen's novels.

I am Elizabeth Bennet!

Take the Quiz here!

Of course, what girl wouldn't want to be Elizabeth Bennet? I mean, she ends up with Darcy for crying out loud. And, fine, the only book of Jane Austen's I've read is Pride and Prejudice, though I am slowly making my way through Emma. And Sense and Sensibility is on my list as well. It's all on my summer reading list.

My summer reading list is becoming a bit of a problem since I keep finding more books that I want to read. Who would have thought that my place of employment would have a copy of The Princess Bride? I sure as hell was surprised to learn about it. I'm about 100 pages into it and highly suggest that you go pick yourself up a copy immediately. I'll probably buy a copy of it myself in the near future. I bought a new bookshelf this weekend which means that I have to buy more books to fill up said bookshelf so that it doesn't look like a loser compared to my other bookshelf.

The self-esteem of bookshelves is a very fragile thing, I'll have you know.

In other news, my cat, Emmy, moved down to Bowling Green with me this weekend. It should be interesting. She learned how to get into the bathroom cabinet today, not that I'm particularly surprised since she likes to sit on clean clothes and such whenever she's given the chance.

Emmy, circa 2004 because I'm too lazy to take a new picture of her now. She looks pretty much the same, just fatter.

And, to end this post, I'm quoting something different than a movie, though there have been many movie adaptations of this book. But, come on, it's Jane Austen. You can't use a movie quote when the book is clearly a million times better.

"I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."
- Darcy, Pride and Prejudice, in response to how long he had loved Elizabeth

By the way, it's tragic that in this version of Pride and Prejudice, the guy playing Darcy is only attractive when he smiles. This is somewhat problematic since Mr. Darcy smiles, maybe, twice throughout the entire movie.

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