Wednesday, July 8, 2009

guilt and city grime

Survived New York. I didn't get mugged, North Korea didn't bomb the place like my grandpa thought they would, and Robert Pattinson was nowhere to be seen.

I did do a good job and only hurt myself once while I was there. You can hardly tell where I cut my nose with my fingernail now.

The trip was so much fun and I'm eager to go back. I've talked about it so much to so many people that retelling what all we did at this point just seems too much. But I will show you this:

1) Yes, I know that those sunglasses make my nose look huge. While I tend to be attracted to guys with larger noses
(I'm weird, I know), I like my nose the way it is, and it is NOT as big as those sunglasses make it appear.

2) That building behind me. If you think it looks like the exterior shot of Monica and Rachel's apartment from Friends, then you would be correct. I can't tell you how happy I was to find that apartment. I dragged Jessica around for longer than she probably wanted to put up with me to find it, but I found it. Sadly, I did not find my Chandler anywhere nearby.

3) Also, my hair is red now. I took the plunge and dyed it. Just a semi-permanent where it will wash out in 20 or so washes. My hair has been jacked up ever since and am going through 'hair detox' all over again.

4) This wasn't supposed to be a laundry list type of blog entry. Oh well, too late now. Realized that I get a strange thrill in hailing taxis. And while most of the drivers tried to cheat us out of money and not counting the last driver who took us back to the airport, they were fairly nice. Not at all what I thought New York cab drivers would be like.

5) Bought a purse in Chinatown. I still have mixed feelings about it. It's really pretty but every time I look at it, I think about a sad little Chinese grandma sitting in a dank basement somewhere sewing purses together with her aching arthritic fingers for pennies a day. Am slowly starting to think of all my clothing that way actually. But especially that purse.

6) Didn't find Robbie Rob (my nickname for Robert Pattinson), and don't think we didn't look for him. We stalked New York like we were rabid fifteen-year-old girls.

7) And, speaking of acting like fifteen-year-olds, there were Harry Potter movie posters EVERYWHERE. It was beautiful. And I smiled like a madwoman every time I saw one in the subway or in Times Square.

8) Still feel like I haven't caught up on my sleep from the trip. Am dozing of while typing this off. But maybe that's because of something else that I really don't have the energy to discuss right now.

9) And, just as a cliffhanger that will never be resolved, I got a pleasant surprise yesterday that more than made up for what happened the day before that.

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