Monday, June 22, 2009

i'm packing heat!


I'm proud of myself for waiting this long to start packing. If my suitcases didn't smell like consignment store, I would have been packing stuff up a long time ago. After several showers in Febreeze, perfume, and vodka, the consignment store smell has faded significantly. It's still there though.

And yes, I totally sprayed vodka on my suitcases. It seemed to work better than the Febreeze did.

But man did I hate to just throw away fine vodka like that.

All right, fine, it was Burnett's vodka. But still, it could have got me drunk. Not that I have ever got drunk in the apartment before. I've tried, but I think the apartment makes me immune to liquor somehow.

Right. No more talk of me being on the road to alcoholism.

While waiting for the consignment store smell to fade out of my suitcases, I made a nice little checklist for New York. Ain't it lovely?

Everything not checked still has to be washed or is needed before next week. So, in all the time I spent packing, I only have a little make-up bag packed and a pair of flip-flops for the shower at the hotel. Yeah, did I mention that we're staying at a step-up from a hostel where we share a bathroom with other people? I think it will be fun. I've never stayed at a hotel like that before. And, okay, it's really not that different from a dorm. But it's a dorm in New York, not Kentucky.

Location, location, location.

In other, totally unrelated news, Meagan and I have decided to get a show on public access. Okay, I kind of decided for Meagan, but still, this show would be gold. It'd be like Wayne's World, but with girls offering snarky comments about their own lives and celebrities' lives and TV shows.

Don't lie. You know you would watch that shit.

1 comment:

Organic Meatbag said...

I would watch, a bottle of schnapps and a Three Musketeers the channel and time, I'll watch it...