Monday, June 1, 2009

when i was your age, television was called books

I took a break from reading The Princess Bride this weekend to watch the movie version. This is nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to me reading books that have been turned into movies. It's actually the reason I have yet to finish Emma. Whenever I start reading it, I'm like, "I want to watch Clueless", and then I go and watch Clueless. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I am desperately in love with Paul Rudd.

While watching
The Princess Bride, I decided that, if people really must kill each other, then they should do it with swords. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally against murder and think that violence is stupid and solves absolutely nothing, but people are stupid and good at solving absolutely nothing. And, really, the whole thing is much more noble for the killer and the victim if they duke it out with swords rather than shooting out a car window or something. It's passion meets skill when it comes to fencing.

Of course, the only problem with bringing fencing back is that everybody and their mom will be using this line:

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Crystal...I just started reading your blog, and I must admit it's awesome. Death by sword is much much cooler than death by soyburger.

Jamie (Harris) Evans.