Monday, August 17, 2009

mr. brown shorts

I think it's safe to say that this day has been a total waste.

Mr. Brown Shorts (my name for UPS) left a note on the apartment door Friday saying that there was a delivery for me, but I would have to sign for it. Since no one was home, the note said they would come back on Monday before 10:30. No big deal. I have a pretty good attendance record at work. They would be fine with me being a few hours late.

Besides, this is Mr. Brown Shorts, not The Cable Guy. I figured Mr. Brown Shorts would be here at 8, 8:30 at the latest, I would sign for my Psych winnings, and I would only be a hour late for work.

Oh, how optimistic I am.

It is currently 2:22, and Mr. Brown Shorts just arrived about thirty minutes ago. I admitted defeat and decided to forget work because, really, climbing the Hill for two hours of work just didn't seem worth it.

Plus, I'm pissed.

And, in the grand tradition of my bad moods, I've resulted to cleaning. It used to be that I would clean for only two reasons: 1) if I had a paper to write or test to study for and would take any diversion I could, and 2) when I'm annoyed.

Since I've graduated and don't have to write papers or take tests anymore, the only time I'm really driven to clean is when I'm annoyed about missing a day's pay to wait for Mr. Brown Shorts.

Not that I'm not grateful for what he brought me. I can't wait to wear my *FREE* tee-shirt that I *WON*. But, still. I'm a stickler about time. You can ask any of my friends. If you say 10:30, then you best mean 10:15.

Yeah, I'm one of those people. And I get it honest. My mom and grandpa are the same exact way. Although, over the years, my grandpa has got worse about it. If you ask him to be somewhere at 6, he'll be there at 4:30.

But, back to my cleaning-out-of-annoyance. I have the kitchen and bathroom in decent shape. They've seen better days, but, hey, Monk doesn't live here so I think it'll be okay for the time being. I started to clean my room and have temporarily surrendered to the mess. You see, I use cleaning as a diversion. And my diversion to cleaning is blogging. It's all very Circle of Life and whatnot.

Plus my room is disastrous. And I just don't know if I have the strength to conquer this mess.

I could read another book. That's what I did while waiting for Mr. Brown Shorts. Which makes me think that the day hasn't been a total waste. Granted, the book wasn't fabulous or anything, but filled the void that was left once The Golden Girls went off this morning. And Lord knows I have plenty of books left on my summer reading list. Say, fourteen or so.

Or, maybe I could work on my own books. I was actually writing on a first chapter yesterday. Maybe I can find that same inspiration... and end up like Blanche in this clip from The Golden Girls which sadly wasn't airing this morning:

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