Tuesday, August 4, 2009

thoughts on tuesday

The main program we use at work is down this week for maintenance and I have a lot time to think when, really, I should be learning how to spell the word 'maintenance' without the use of a spellchecker.

And, taking a note from Shannon, I'm going to make some snazzy alliterative theme for this entry. Like her 'Things I Love Thursday' or 'Not Me Monday', this is going to be 'Thoughts On Tuesday'.

***Let's pretend that there's a really nice graphic right here to go along with this blog entry. When I get home today, I'll make one, I promise. ***

Thought Numero Uno:
Why has no one given Gary Busey his own reality show yet? Who would not watch that shit go down? Ratings will be astronomical if someone just followed Gary Busey around 24/7. Better yet, just give him his own station. GBTV: All Gary, All Crazy, All the Time. When he's sleeping or something, they can show movies like
Rookie of the Year and Lethal Weapon. Scoff all you want, but you know that you love Rookie of the Year.

Henry: Pitcher's got a big butt, pitcher's got a big butt!
Rookie of the Year

Now, be honest, don't you want to turn your TV on in the middle of the night to see that face screaming back at you?

Thought Numero Dos:
I saw a hawk on campus this morning. At least, I think it was a hawk. I'm not exactly an expert woodsman or bird picker-outer or anything, but I'm pretty sure it was a hawk, and the Google image search I just done mostly confirms that. This thing was a fucking beast. It was walking around on the ground and I guarantee that thing came up past my knee. Being so large, you would think that the hawk wouldn't have been scared off by three black birds, which brings me to my thought... why are there so many black birds on this campus? It's like living in an omen. Seriously, it's made me totally paranoid that something bad is going to happen any minute. Like a bird pooing on me or something.

Thought Numero Tres:
Why am I counting these thoughts off in Espanol?

Thought Numero Cuatro:
Why does a cabin that has a heart-shaped jacuzzi one of the few that can be rented by people under the age of 25, but the other cabins without heart-shaped jacuzzis require you to be at least 25? Not that I object; I'm actually excited about staying at a place that has a heart-shaped jacuzzi just because I didn't think those kinds of things actually existed in the real world. Plus, it makes me laugh. A lot. I mean, look at it!

Thought Numero Cinco:
Oh my God, I really did post a picture of Gary Busey and a picture of a heart- shaped jacuzzi in the same entry. This cannot mean good things.

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