Friday, August 21, 2009

a talk with the universe.

So my "Crystal, You Dumbass, Don't Buy That" list is slowly unraveling.

And, by slowly, I mean that I bought three seasons of television on DVD last night at Target because I have no fucking self control.

But, it was season six of The Golden Girls for nine dollars! You best believe that, if they had the other seasons in stock (which were all nine dollars as well, and the reason why they were sold out), I would have bought the whole series. I also purchased the first two seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer because, evidently, I want to make myself even more unattractive to the opposite sex and stay single forever. And, if that doesn't do the trick, I also bought oodles of scrapbooking supplies.

I swear, if I take up knitting, someone kill me.

As long as I don't go on a shopping spree these next two weekends, I should be able to get my savings account back on track. I was doing fine up until I got hit with a $200 pet deposit and a verbal lashing from the landlady on Monday.

This not spending money for the next two weeks should go well since I've just got approximately 20 publishers to contact/bribe/beg. I have to get published, you guys. I really believe that if you want something bad enough and if you try, then it will happen. And, maybe I should do what that book The Secret says to do and put what I want out there in the Universe.

Hey, Universe, I want to be a published author.

Okay, I've never read The Secret, but I'm pretty sure that was one of the steps. Another step probably says not to be a smart ass about the other steps.

Oh God, what if I had to give up sarcasm in order to get a book deal? Talk about Sophie's Choice...


Frizz said...

Did you ever hear anything back from that other query you sent out?

crystal said...

No, Avon never responded, which is odd since the site said that they would reply, either positive or negative, in 1-2 weeks. And it's going on Week 4... or really close to it. Oh well, their loss...

... not really. I really want to be published by Avon!!!

What a Clever Little Bug said...

Hey don't knock knitting I happen to knit... well that is if you can really count knowing how to make a scarf as really knitting. But I wish you luck on being published hopefully you are right and really wanting something helps you achieve it because if that is the case you shall be published and I shall be a real big kid designer with a job and everything very soon... :)